

  THE MIDNIGHT HOUR BY ELLY GRIFFITHS 12/1/23 It wasn't until the end of this book that I realised it was the 6th in a series however I think it's the characters that are consistent in the series; I found that I didn't feel like I was missing something having not read the others. That being said, after reading this one, I will definitely go back and read the rest! It was a bit confusing as a lot of the character's lives overlap (with marriage and stuff) so I really had to pay full attention. That being said, I still think it was a fast paced book with lots of interesting twists and turns. Needless to say, I didn't figure out who the murderer was! I liked the era that this story was set in too, there's something about period writing that seems to grab my attention more that something based in the modern day. Historical fiction is my absolute favourite so throw in a murder or two and we're golden! Happy reading! Lotte :) xxx


  CAN'T WAIT TO READ IN 2023! 12/1/23 Hello! Last year was definitely a success for my bookshelves and I. I read a total of 35 books, a lot in the crime/ mystery genre. I think my top 3 from last year were: Loveless by Alice Oseman Two Can Keep A Secret by Karen M. McManus The Bridgerton Series by Julia Quinn (that may have been about 9 books but they were all wonderful) I've also realised I tend to enjoy books when I'm reading in the right environment. Sitting in my bed is great but I enjoyed that more when it was on a break at work and I had about 2 hours solid reading time. The best place to read for me in on a train journey, hands down. But each to their own I guess. So my aim for this year is to read more than last year which should be doable. It may help me save money if I stay in and read rather than going out (which is my main aim for the year!) If you have any recommendations for books to read or new ones being released this year, please let me know! Happy reading!


KAREN M. MCMANUS COLLECTION 29/12/22 Over the last month I read 5 books by Karen M McManus (including the sequel to a book I read in 2021) so I thought I would just do one big review. It may go without saying here, but I think I may have a new favourite author! I read "One Of Us Is Next", "Two Can Keep A Secret", "The Cousins", "You'll Be The Death Of Me" and "Nothing More To Tell". They were all very different but Karen's vivid story telling is consistent throughout. I loved "One Of Us Is Next" as it brought back characters from the first book and introduced new ones; I liked the familiarity. "Two Can Keep A Secret" may have been my favourite of the 5 I read. It was kind of 2 mysteries in one and with old secrets cropping up occasionally, it really kept me on my toes. "The Cousins" was very good, one thing I love about Karen's books is the chapters are separated by which character we're fol


  TOMORROW WILL BE A GOOD DAY BY CAPTAIN TOM MOORE 9/12/22 I don't know how else to describe this book other than "heartwarming". What an amazing man Captain Tom was. His story from early childhood to his 100th birthday was gripping honestly, with his war days being a centre part. I don't want to give too much away of course but I especially loved him talking about his passion for motorcycles, either riding them or fixing them. I also liked some of the more raw moments when he talks about deaths of loved ones and his marriages. He talks in such a positive way, about how things happen for a reason and whatnot. Captain Tom looked onto life is such a wise way it seems and to think about how much changed in his lifetime too, good and bad, it's a really inspiring read. Overall I just want to urge you to read this story.  Thank you and God bless Captain Tom Moore Happy reading! Lotte :) xxx


HOW TO KILL YOUR FAMILY BY BELLA MACKIE 6/11/22 I will start by saying I enjoyed this book. I really did. But my goodness was the main character infuriating!  Without giving too much away, I had a very love-hate relationship with her. I understood what she was doing and why but also thought it was a bit over-dramatic. She did seem to understand the world we live in though, and how fake and commercialised everything is these days which was actually very interesting to read, even if she was a bit blunt. What I will say is that it didn’t end how I thought it would. Which was actually a nice surprise and had me smiling when I finished (not that it was necessarily happy, it’s a book about killing your family after all) but if you do read it, I hope you get what I mean. Happy reading! Lotte :) xxx


  THE HEARTSTOPPER SERIES BY ALICE OSEMAN 15/10/22 This series I actually did watch the show before the books, however series 1 is only the first 2 books so I cannot wait for series 2 to come out soon! This is such a heartwarming story between Nick and Charlie, a true exploration of sexuality and first relationships. I read these books all within a day (being comics did help with that but honestly even if they were each 400 page novels, I’d have zipped through them at the same pace!) as they’re just such cute stories. Plus I really enjoyed the  bonus mini comics at the end! I urge you to read this series and then watch the TV show after! Please please please!!! Happy reading! Lots of love, Lotte :) xxx


  THE BRIDGERTON SERIES BY JULIA QUINN 14/10/22 I committed to reading this whole series before watching to show on Netflix. And now I cannot wait to watch! It’s interesting how each book is basically about the same thing: Bridgerton child meets man/woman, starts dating, ends up married with kids. But each book is so different from the last, they’re so easy to read and honestly I couldn’t put them down! I love reading/watching period dramas so if that’s what you like too, I highly recommend this series. They’re such well thought out books with so much detail. My ranking (from favourite to least, although I did love them all) An Offer From A Gentleman When He Was Wicked The Duke And I On The Way To The Wedding  It’s In His Kiss To Sir Phillip, With Love Romancing Mister Bridgerton The Viscount Who Loved Me I also ready the 9th book which was each story’s second epilogues which was great too, so I shall at some point be reading the prequels! And of course no spoilers, but I LOVED the rev


  LOVELESS BY ALICE OSEMAN 13/7/22 This book was amazing. It describes perfectly (in my experience anyway) how it feels to not only discover asexuality/ aromantic’s have a name, but how it feels to be part of this community. There’s a lot of figuring out of what you want and it’s an odd journey to say the least but I think totally worth it once you’ve figured it out. It’s an interesting story of self-discovery during the beginnings of university which I personally can’t relate to, but the pressure of dating has always been prevalent in high school/sixth form culture. The way the author describes how Georgia wants a relationship in her life but without any affection but also not actually having the feelings is such a complex feeling. I think if you didn’t feel those feelings yourself, you wouldn’t understand it, but as someone who  understands part of it, I am so appreciative of this story spreading more light on asexuality, as it’s not often talked about. Happy reading! Lotte :) xxx