
Showing posts from May, 2022


THE WINDSOR KNOT BY S.J. BENNETT 11/5/22  This book was very compelling for me from the get-go as I'm interested in the Royal Family in general, but also it's a murder-mystery which is one of my favourite genre's of books. I loved all of the twists and turns the story had, and it was very amusing. I don't know how much of the Queen's behaviour/ dialogue is accurate to what she's really like, but it was great nonetheless. I will say though, it did get quite confusing at times. Whether it's because there were so many character names in the story, or because it's based in Windsor and there's a lot of place names in the castle, sometimes I just got a bit lost. I would say I know a lot about the royals but even I got confused occasionally. But it was still a fun book. Happy reading! Lotte :) xxx


  WITH THIS KISS BY CARRIE HOPE FLETCHER 11/5/22 What I love about Carrie’s writing is there’s always an aspect of magical realism that makes you feel like it almost could happen in the real world. Whether you want it to or not (especially with this story!) When I first read the blurb of this book, I thought it was such an interesting concept, like nothing I’ve ever heard of before so I was very excited to read it. I have to tell you, I was not disappointed!! It was a highly compelling read from start to finish, I really did find it hard to put down! I personally don’t think it was predictable at all, there were things I hoped would happen that did by all means, but I found it twisted and turned in ways you least expected from the get go. And that always keeps a story interesting. The only thing I’ll mention is the fact that the trans character that was introduced in the book wasn’t quite executed as well as they could have been. And they were only mentioned once which kind of felt lik