
Showing posts from December, 2021


I’M COMING FOR YOU 2022! 31/12/21 This year I should have read more books than I did. I easily could have, but I always felt there was something more important to be doing. Which there often was, but not always 😂 Anyway, I’m pleased to say that apart from rereading Harry Potter at the start of the year, the other books I read this year were all new; I’d never read them before. And that’s going to be my aim for 2022 too. That and read more than 12 books which is how many I managed in 2021. I also started a BookTube but I wasn’t very consistent in posting on there. I just haven’t had the inspiration that I had when I first started the channel. So I might post on there this year but who knows. My first book of the year is going to be “Virals” by Kathy Reichs. It’s the first in a series of 5 books and a 6th book which has 4 relating short stories in it. I think I may have read “Virals” years ago but only the first book and I can’t remember any of it so I’m excited to read this whole serie


ONE OF US IS LYING BY KAREN M. MCMANUS 31/12/21 I liked the pace of this book, very fast paced and easy to read. The chapters are broken down with each character talking in first person in sections which is a great way to set up the book. It’s great to learn little bits about a character and then moving on to the next person, makes you want to keep reading. I think that’s why it’s so fast paced. You start off pretty much hating all of these characters but there’s such good character development throughout the story that they all become very lovable by the end. And ones you start off liking, you end up loathing. That’s probably my favourite part of this book. The other thing I loved (without spoiling the ending of course) is something comes up in the murder investigation that’s so simple yet throws the whole story completely off track, and you think to yourself “why didn’t I think of that from the beginning?!” Maybe that’s just me and it was more obvious to other people but I loved it a


AS GOOD AS DEAD BY HOLLY JACKSON 26/12/21 There’s nothing better than getting a book on Christmas Day that you’ve wanted to read for about 6 months. Especially when it’s the last in Holly Jackson’s “A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder” series! I have loved each one of these books but this last one has to be my favourite. It really captures Pip’s emotional struggles, covering a range of topics to do with mental health and addiction. So much truth to it all. Then the story itself, I was very happy with. Tied up a lot of loose ends and links so nicely with the previous two books. Just when you thought there couldn’t be more to the story, there is. And if I’m understanding the ending correctly, I am THRILLED with it. I would highly recommend this trilogy to anyone who likes binging true crime documentaries or listening to the podcasts. Although it’s all fictional, it’s SO intriguing. Happy reading! Lotte :) xxx